Sunday, March 29, 2020

Where to Find a Good Spanish Tutor

Where to Find a Good Spanish TutorAre you looking for a good Spanish tutor in Richmond VA? Spanish is not only a language for those who know it, but also as a second language. Many people in this country speak another language, and there are also many people learning a foreign language.Whether you wish to learn Spanish for business or pleasure, you will find that there are many good ways to do so in Richmond. There are various ways you can go about finding the best services for your needs. Here are some tips to help you choose the best option for your needs.One of the most important things you should do is to look for a place that has what you are looking for. You will want to look for an establishment that offers an excellent way to practice and learn the Spanish language. As a matter of fact, most places offer both a classroom and online learning options. This means that you can work at your own pace in a comfortable setting, and you can study when it is convenient for you.When you are choosing a tutor, you will need to consider where they will be learning from. If you will be going to a school for Spanish, then the chances are that you will be in the classroom. The reason why you should consider that is because you do not want to waste your time on someone who is only teaching a class. That is one reason why you should try to find a teacher who has additional business schools, hotels, and restaurants as clients.A teacher should have experience teaching students at their level of expertise, and time spent teaching them. You will also want to look for a teacher who is a native speaker. The time of that person should be helpful in keeping your schedule available for the teacher.A good tip is to ask around to other people about where they went to get a tutor. If you get enough responses, you will probably find the right place. You can also find a tutor from a certain community center, school, or hotel. However, it would be best to ask those who have been there f or a while, and who have had good experiences with the service.A private tutor will often times require payment up front. So if you need one, it is best to find out if the tutor is asking for the full amount before making the payment. This way, you will be able to pay them for their time, and not for their fees, which will be an added cost to you.If you want a good option for Spanish tutor in Richmond VA, then you should look around. Look for a school that offers online teaching, and you can learn Spanish at home without taking a class. A teacher who knows the program inside and out should be hired for this type of activity.

Friday, March 6, 2020


SayABC SayABC Who We Are Cultivate confidence in every child to find the world full of possibilities in English. SayABC provides international learning experience for 5-12 year old children in China. Headquartered in Beijing, the company offers one-to-four online class taught by certified teachers. Our Background SayABC is backed by tier one investors in China and in the US, and is a dynamic and fast growing online education platform that strives to bring the highest quality ESL learning experience to millions of young learners in China. Our Product We teach students between 5-12 year old,a time when the brain is particularly receptive to language learning and social interactions. Our World Series Our Worlds student materials bring together fun and fascinating information about the real world, supported by stunning National Geographic images and specially-created videos to motivate and enable young learners to learn English. In each Our World level, young learners are exposed to: Language presentation and practice Songs and games Video activities Global values National Geographic Values and Mission pages Our World Readers The Our World Readers support the language covered in the Student Books, encourage reading for fun, and bring storytelling into your English language-learning classroom. With readers for all six levels of the series, including original stories, folktales, myths and non-fiction from around the globe, the Our World Readers are a great way to reinforce and consolidate the key language introduced in the Student Books.

4 Ways to Make Your Tutoring Session More Approachable

4 Ways to Make Your Tutoring Session More Approachable Tips From a Private Irvine Academic Tutor: 4 Ways to Make Your Tutoring Session More Approachable Tips From a Private Irvine Academic Tutor: 4 Ways to Make Your Tutoring Session More Approachable Many students struggle with the specific structure of a classroom environment. Their chairs are often in rows, and there are four white walls with one dry erase board to look at. This may work very well for some students but will be stifling for others. If students have to come home and work in the same fashion with their tutor, it can be difficult for the child to concentrate. However, theres no specific rule regarding how a tutoring session must be run or what materials the tutor and student use. Because the sessions are generally one-on-one, its possible to create a situation that works for any specific student. 1. Young kids need to move Kids in elementary school cant sit all day and then sit all afternoon; they have to move around and engage physically. If its comfortable to sit on the floor or in a bean bag chair, theres no reason why the session cant be run this way. Some younger children can concentrate better if they are not confined by a desk and chair; they could use a clipboard or lap desk instead. Students using technology to complete their homework could use an iPad instead of a desktop. It̢۪s important to see what works for both the student and educator so this session can be successful but still allow the student to move about (READ: Online Research: Whats Legit?). 2. Students need breaks Older students may be just as happy to sit on a chair at a desk but they may need to take breaks throughout the session. This is especially true when it comes to long (2 or more hours) study sessions that take place before midterms and finals. Its a good idea for the tutor to speak with the student or parent to determine how long the student can concentrate before needing to take a break. If a student tries to trudge through the session without a planned break they may start to zone out during crucial information. Rather, its a good idea to schedule session breaks ahead of time when the the tutor has come to a good stopping point when presenting information. Students who take breaks in the middle of an important concept will often forget what has been said and have to start over. 3. Have a warm up session with a new tutor Younger kids, especially, may feel awkward having a new person in their home. They may or may not understand why they are receiving help and they may or may not be happy about it. If possible, its a good idea to have the tutor spend 10 or 15 minutes with the student before getting into academic material just to talk with them and ask about their day. Additionally, parents may be able to arrange for an introductory session where the tutor comes over and chats with the student for a little bit and asks them a few questions about school and after school activities. When it comes time for serious academic instruction, students will usually respond better to an adult they have developed a good rapport with (READ: 4 Reasons Students Dont Adjust Well to an AP Class). 4. Make technology personable There are several ways that tutors, parents, and students (if they are old enough) can work together to make technology work in their favor. If the student and tutor will be working together over a remote technology platform, its a good idea to get a few things out of the way before the session starts. The student and teacher should both check that their internet connection is adequate and test out different platforms. Some students will use Skype, Google Hangouts, or FaceTime while others will use a company sponsored platform. Either way its a good idea to test out the technology before due dates come up. Additionally, its smart for parents to sit down with their child and figure out how they can configure a virtual classroom that will help engage them. Younger children may need to see their tutor on a separate screen while older students may be satisfied with a small image in the corner of their laptop. Our experienced private Irvine, Orange County, and San Diego tutors know how to make the most out of every tutoring session. Dont hesitate to book your tutor before finals. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Learning When Studying Abroad

Learning When Studying AbroadNowadays there are many choices available for a student who is studying abroad, but what kind of studying experience should you have? There are some factors that will help you make your choice.Potential student always needs to know the basics of study abroad. The first thing is where to go and what to do there. When you are studying in Europe, South America or Asia it will be hard to do your best in your class. So the way to learn is through practice.Most big online tutoring companies can help with all of this. There are various sites on the internet that offer free sample tests and tutoring session. Some other ways to do this are by searching for tutors in the local newspaper or magazine or even through the internet. It is better to research carefully first before enrolling to any online study abroad school or tutoring program.Another consideration is that distance learning is not only about getting better grades, it is also about having fun. This is tru e for both students who are visiting another country as well as for those who are studying online. It is very different from the everyday routine that we are used to, so it is important that the learning experience is exciting for the student.Online learning is quite different from traditional education because there is no classroom experience. You can learn about your subject or course in whatever way you find the most interesting. Many schools and colleges are now offering this kind of learning as part of their curriculum. If you feel that the pace of learning will not be right for you then you can look into online courses which may suit your needs.If you are a student and interested in overseas studies, a good choice for you would be to attend an international college or university or evena city university that is nearby your place of residence. This will allow you to travel with ease because your international study could still be fulfilled while you are staying in your city.Now you have a few things to consider before making a decision about your future and your study abroad. Be sure to check the syllabus of the college or university that you choose to study in. You will need to prove that you have already completed all the previous years of your course, especially if you will be studying abroad.

Make A Chemistry Bulletin Board Fun For Your Classroom

Make A Chemistry Bulletin Board Fun For Your ClassroomUsing a chemistry bulletin board can be a fun way to display important information. This would include things like recipes, reminders for a daily schedule, and interesting chemistry facts. Creating a bulletin board is one of the easiest ways to display all of these things to the students and allow them to see what is important.What you would want to include on a bulletin board is something that will not take up too much space in your classroom. There are several different types of boards you can choose from. You can have one that has the content that you want to put on it, and then the rest of the board is covered in color. This would be a great thing for those who may need an area of their room where they can display important resources.You may also decide to build a bulletin board that includes only one part of the information that you need to display. This would allow you to save some space on your board, and you could even hav e a space on the other side for pictures. If you get a large board, you can add more information to it as time goes on.Making a bulletin board that is going to be used in a science class can be done very easily. You will want to choose a board that is made out of particle board or another type of wood. These types of boards are much stronger than bulletin boards that are made out of cardboard.Next, you are going to need to glue down the pieces of the board, so that it does not collapse. The glue that you use should be white. It will help keep the boards from crumpling when it gets wet, and you can put tape down over the edges to prevent it from getting too wet.You should put paper on the other side of the board so that you can add something to it, like pictures. These can be used for different purposes, such as the students to have something to look at while they work on their chemistry homework. You can also use them for announcements, reminders for a certain date, and other announ cements that you want to make.A chemistry bulletin board can be used to add fun ideas to your classroom. There are many different ways that you can customize this, and you can choose to put more information or less information on it.

Chemistry Concepts and Applications Study Guide - Learn Through A Study Guide

Chemistry Concepts and Applications Study Guide - Learn Through A Study GuideIn this article I will tell you what the chemistry concepts and applications study guide are and how you can use it to improve your learning and studying. Most individuals either fail or succeed in their studies, but I believe that you can improve your success by making use of chemistry concepts and applications study guide. The Chemistry Concepts and Applications study guide answers some of the most commonly asked questions that are often encountered in your studies.What are the most important subjects that you need to study? This is often the first question asked when you first enroll in a school. This is the topic on which you should study for at least two years in order to reach a certain level of knowledge.Some of the topics that are commonly studied include organic chemistry, organic biochemistry, and organic physiology. When you complete a chemistry concepts and applications study guide, you will be t aught these basic concepts. Organic chemistry comprises the four elements that make up all the natural substances of the world, namely, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon. With organic chemistry, we can understand how chemicals interact with each other and what reactions occur when they mix.The other topics that you should study are chemical biochemistry, biochemical biochemistry, and biochemical physiology. The understanding of the first two topics will enable you to prepare for more complex subjects such as microbiology, pathology, and molecular biology. As you are trying to master all the different subjects, these topics will assist you in bettering your career choices.You must also familiarize yourself with common methods of analyzing things in the real world. The application of the concepts in the real world will also give you an idea of what your future career plans might entail.An additional benefit of using a chemistry concepts and applications study guide is that it hel ps you grasp the importance of learning from your mistakes. If you are not able to grasp an important concept in your studies, then you must make an effort to learn from it. It is because you may not have mastered it if you failed to look at it properly.Another valuable benefit of using a chemistry concepts and applications study guide is that it is extremely easy to download. This means that you do not have to pay to purchase it nor do you have to wait for a lengthy time before you can download it.

A Day in the Life at Marquette University

A Day in the Life at Marquette University Meaghan earned her bachelors degree in secondary education from Marquette University. She specializes in elementary math tutoring, test prep tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, she shares her experience at Marquette University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Meaghan: The campus is an urban setting, which is one of the reasons I personally loved it. I did feel safe on campus, but you have to be careful when traveling alone. Make sure you know where all of the blue light phones are on campus and how you could quickly reach someone in an emergency. In terms of transportation, Marquette is pretty accessible on foot. Walking to class would take no more than 10 minutes, depending on where you live. If youre trying to go anywhere else in Milwaukee, the city bus is a great and reliable option. The only time I felt as though a car might be nice is when grocery shopping. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Meaghan:In my experience as an education and English major, I had smaller class sizes with readily available professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants. The thing thats different about any university from high school is the fact that you generally do have to seek out help if you want it. I had a few professors who would require we meet during office hours once or twice a semester. Academic advisers meet with you a minimum of once a semester to plan for the following semester. If you want any other attention or support, you have to take it upon yourself to get it. However, I had professors and advisers that were happy to support me. I forged a lot of relationships with professors that I still keep in touch with and go to for career advice now that Im a teacher. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Meaghan:The dorm life is honestly a lot of fun. At Marquette, youre required to live in the dorms for two years. Most of the dorms have rooms that are a little cramped and dont have air conditioning, but it provides you with the easiest possible way to make friends. I personally loved my cramped dorm experience and I wouldnt change it for the world. Marquette has a lot of great dining options. Most of my lunches were at the Alumni Memorial Union on campus, which has a big food court with a number of options such as salad, sandwiches, a grill, and sushi. The food there is really good and there are always options that fit within your meal plan. There are also a couple of Brew Bayous on campus, which is a coffee shop that has all your standard offerings. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Meaghan:I think Marquette is well represented by their business school and nursing school. Most of my friends were in one of the two. I personally studied secondary education and English, because I have always loved the idea of teaching high school English. I definitely felt as though my university did a good job supporting my area of study. Its a newer program, but there were many opportunities that were offered for education majors and a lot of support in the school itself. I had smart, helpful, experienced professors and a lot of opportunity to get involved in clubs that catered to my interests. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Meaghan:I personally found it fairly easy to meet people and make friends as a freshman. There are a lot of opportunities that my RA put together to make friends on my floor. I was not involved in Greek life, but I had a few friends that rushed and seemed to really enjoy their experience. I didnt think Greek life was as visible at Marquette as it might be at many other schools, but my friends that did it seemed to really enjoy it. Basically, I feel like either choice still ensures a fun college experience where you feel like part of the school. How helpful arethe Career Centerand other student support services? Meaghan:The Career Center at Marquette is extremely helpful. While I never utilized them directly, I had a number of friends that went to them for resume and application help for summer internships. Many reputable companies recruit on campus. While my experience was a little different, many of my friends who were in the business school attended multiple career fairs over their four years. Marquette partnered with Milwaukee Public Schools for our field experiences, which actually led to my decision to remain in Milwaukee as part of the MPS system. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Meaghan:I never struggled to find a space to study. During finals week, you do have to be strategic about finding and reserving a space in the library. I actually preferred to do most of my work in my dorm room or in my off-campus house junior and senior years. Each dorm building has a common room on each floor, as well as a basement that has ample study space. There are a variety of spaces on campus that fit whatever vibe youre looking for. Describe the surrounding town. Meaghan:Milwaukee is such an underrated city. There are so many restaurants, shops, and concert halls to keep you occupied, as well as a beautiful lakefront. There really is a lot to do, especially during the summer. When the weather is nice, theres a different festival almost every weekend. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Meaghan:Marquette is relatively medium-sized. My classes were smaller because my major was smaller, but I know even my friends in the business school still had many classes with no more than 50 students. I liked Marquettes size because there were always friendly faces on campus. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Meaghan:One of my favorite professors was one that I still stay in touch with. She taught a class that was all about being literate across multiple disciplines and what it meant to be digitally literate. We explored the term multiliteracy through a semester-long, student-led project that culminated in the creation of a digital version of our textbook of the same title deconstructed and reconstructed. Although the project was really difficult, I loved the way she put ownership of the class on us. I feel as though many of my Marquette professors took a similar approachthey encouraged us to explore our boundaries and learn through experience. Check out Meaghan'stutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.